Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I've gotten on this bento kick. What is a bento? Well, from what I can deduce, it is the Japanese art form to making lunch. Japanese have taken making edible art to an awesome level. I've been researching ideas on ways to make a bento.

The picture of the bento on the left is all made from food. I'm always in awe of how great it looks. I'm learning all the tricks and now want to start collecting bento boxes. Yes, there is even a special box it is put in.

Today was the first day I made a bento. It is nothing compared to what real bento makers do. They are really cool. Maybe one day with practice I'll get there. For now, my kids will just have to be happy with a smiley face rice ball.


  1. Malieeeee - I can't believe this is what your kids lunch box looks like! Makes my PBJ look I don't care - LOL - I always tell my kids I make their homemade lunch with Love! But Jeeze! you just served a restaurant meal in a box! AND IT LOOKS GREAT TOO! Keep up the good work! I'll just keep kissing PBJ sandwiches and writing love notes on baggies and napkins!

  2. I love the bentos idea. I think Leilei would enjoy it for a snack at Kindergarten sometime. You'll have to put up recipes on here for your bento ideas and let me know where you get your boxes from and how much they are cause I might get you to send some to me.

  3. That would look way better then what Id ever make:)

  4. Where do you get a bento box? I loved bento boxes. When I was student teaching they had them broght in for inservice days. Loved em! You are so creative.

  5. I think you can order the bento boxes online, or you can find a local asian shop. They might have them there.

  6. That is so cute! Manhattan would be even more sad with her sandwich yogurt and drink after seeing that! I am almost sure I could not pull that off with 1 lunch - especially not four everyday!
