Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cub Scout Board

Here is a project that I started sooooooo long ago but forgot. I probably forgot because I had hid this board under my bed. Out of sight, out of mind I guess. Anyhow, I had a spare moment today, so I headed down to the BYUH Copy Center and finished it. I am so happy with it. I learned that I am a consolidater. I like to have everything I need in one place I guess.
I'm not 100% finished.I'm gonna put a picture of each boy up when it's their turn to be a denner above their name. Below that is gonna be the assignment our den has for pack meeting. This month it's a skit. I glued this envelope on the back to hold their names in it.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

After School Snacks - Low Fat Gingerbread

Here's a snack that I make every so often for my kids. It is low-fat gingerbread. Usually I make it when I cook Chicken Noodle Soup for dinner. I don't why, but I always do. My kids love it and it's healthy.

Here's the recipe:

1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp ginger powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt

1/3 cup molasses
3 Tbsp melted butter
1 cup water
2 egg whites (I usually sub it with 1 egg intead).

Mix the dry ingredients, then add the wet and mix well. Put in muffin tins or bake in bread pan for 20 mins.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I've gotten on this bento kick. What is a bento? Well, from what I can deduce, it is the Japanese art form to making lunch. Japanese have taken making edible art to an awesome level. I've been researching ideas on ways to make a bento.

The picture of the bento on the left is all made from food. I'm always in awe of how great it looks. I'm learning all the tricks and now want to start collecting bento boxes. Yes, there is even a special box it is put in.

Today was the first day I made a bento. It is nothing compared to what real bento makers do. They are really cool. Maybe one day with practice I'll get there. For now, my kids will just have to be happy with a smiley face rice ball.