My 8 y.o was in charge of FHE lesson this past week. She chose to do her lesson on the Holy Ghost to help her with her Faith in God. I helped her come up with this simple game to teach the rest of the family, as well as herself, what the Holy Ghost does for us.

Each picture is a symbol. The compass for guidance, the dove for peace, the shield for protection/warning us of danger, the bed for comfort, and the last one is supposed to be someone putting their hand on the bible swearing to tell the "truth". She and I both came up with the symbols and got to work to drawing them. It's just a simple matching game. Every time someone found a match, then that person had to figure out what the symbol stood for and then we all discussed examples of how the Holy Ghost does that thing for us. The kids loved the game and I think the message got across to them. Very simple.
For our activity, we played Book of Mormon charades. Each person took a turn acting out their favorite prophet from the Book of Mormon. It was fun seeing what the kids chose and how they acted it out. Our refreshments for the night were blueberry scones, courtesy of Micah. I should have taken a picture of them because they did look like a 6 y.o. had made them. They were delicious nonetheless.