Friday, May 28, 2010

Shadow Box

It has been a while, I know. I did make something recently that I thought deserved to go on this blog. My son recently received his Arrow of Light award with Cub Scouts and is now moving on to Boy Scouts. I have seen others do a shadow box, so I thought I will try.

It was easier than I thought. The shadow box (15"x15") was on sale (thank goodness) at Pictures Plus (for those of you who live in Hawaii). I gathered his awards and badges. I did strip his shirt. There are some badges that will go on his scout uniform, so those few items, I did go to the scout store and buy another so that I had one for the shadow box.This is what we came up with in the end. So this is before everything is glued down.

These are actually everything he got. I couldn't fit his day camp badges in there. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with these.

Tyler was very happy about it. I won't take full credit for it though. Randy did help with arranging it. There were pins on the right side, but I decided to take them out. Those were my mother's pins. Not sure yet what I'll do with those. What I think would actually be awesome is to have a huge shadow box where I can fit everything including his cars and arrow of light award. We'll see.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Catching up

I finally had a moment to just catch up. Below are a few posts of things that I have been working on. Happy reading.

Cub Scouts - Pockets

For Cub Scouts this month, they have an odd theme ----"pockets". I know, weird huh. I guess the point of it is that you can tell a lot about a person by what they have in their pockets. Today at den mtg, I had the boys empty out their pockets, and low and behold, they had all kinds of things. It was cute, because it really did describe them. So, I tried to be creative and gear their achievements that they have to accomplish around the theme of "pockets".
One of the achievements they had to work on was "participating in a flag ceremony". So I made a "flag ceremony pocket-guide book" that the boys could use whenever they have to participate in a flag ceremony.
I found the ceremony guidelines online with diagrams even.

Then I put it all together with those rings.

I had the boys practice a few times using the guide, and they all seemed to get a kick out it. So, if you're in Cub Scouts, this was a successful idea you could use.

FHE Lesson - Consequences

We've been on a roll lately with quality FHE's. This past Monday, Randy gave the lesson. I find that the simple lessons are the best. Randy felt it was important to teach the kids that with every decision and action we make, there are GOOD as well as BAD consequences that can follow. After discussing this, to get his point further across, Randy showed us this video clip from Seasame Street. I thought it was great, and the kids got a kick out of seeing some vintage video. The understood the lesson, so hopefully, more thought will go into some of the decisions our children make.

The last part of our FHE is usually an activity. That night, Leigh had us play "Telephone". We had a lot of laughs starting messages and ending up with totally randoms words. Kara was refreshments. We've been trying to save money, so we were creative and used what we had --- HOT CHOCOLATE. Randy helped Kara get the cups of cocoa ready and instead of whip cream, the put a little scoop of ice-cream with a dash of cinnamon. It was great!!

In case any of you were wondering, what does this have to do with me and my creativity. Nothing. My husband and daughters were the creative master-minds behind this successful FHE, that I just had to share.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

FHE lesson - Holy Ghost

My 8 y.o was in charge of FHE lesson this past week. She chose to do her lesson on the Holy Ghost to help her with her Faith in God. I helped her come up with this simple game to teach the rest of the family, as well as herself, what the Holy Ghost does for us.

Each picture is a symbol. The compass for guidance, the dove for peace, the shield for protection/warning us of danger, the bed for comfort, and the last one is supposed to be someone putting their hand on the bible swearing to tell the "truth". She and I both came up with the symbols and got to work to drawing them. It's just a simple matching game. Every time someone found a match, then that person had to figure out what the symbol stood for and then we all discussed examples of how the Holy Ghost does that thing for us. The kids loved the game and I think the message got across to them. Very simple.
For our activity, we played Book of Mormon charades. Each person took a turn acting out their favorite prophet from the Book of Mormon. It was fun seeing what the kids chose and how they acted it out. Our refreshments for the night were blueberry scones, courtesy of Micah. I should have taken a picture of them because they did look like a 6 y.o. had made them. They were delicious nonetheless.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Spider-Man Cake

Here's my latest creation. We're trying to live on the frugal side, so I looked up ideas on the internet of how to decorate a spider-man cake. It is not the best but I thought it was a start. I have always been interested in cake decorating. I still hope to take a formal cake decorating class.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Randy needed to teach his Deacons their scout responsibilities. He was worried that the boys would be bored, so I suggested he make it into a game. Well, I told him not to worry about it, that I would take care of it. This is what I came up with.

For those of you who don't know, Plinko is a game that comes from the popular game show "Price is Right". You drop a disk in from the top and watch it go down. The fun thing is that you never know where it's going to land.

I bought a foam core board and some screws. I measured the size of a jar lid that I was going to use as a plinko chip. I spaced it out a cm larger than what it was and then spaced it from there. It only took me a couple of hours to do. I ended up cutting out circles from the foam core to use as the chip. It was lighter and easier on the screws.

Randy reviewed with the boys the information. Then they had to answer questions about it. Every time they answered the question correctly, they earned a plinko chip. Whatever number they landed on, that was how many pieces of chocolate they got. Randy said it turned out great.
My kids love to play with this. Micah will play and add up his points. This week is ward camp and we always have a Penny Carnival. This is our game we are going to have for it.