For Cub Scouts this month, they have an odd theme ----
"pockets". I know, weird huh. I guess the point of it is that you can tell a lot about a person by what they have in their pockets. Today at den mtg, I had the boys empty out their pockets, and low and behold, they had all kinds of things. It was cute, because it really did describe them. So, I tried to be creative and gear their achievements that they have to accomplish around the theme of "pockets".
One of the achievements they had to work on was "participating in a flag ceremony". So I made a "flag ceremony pocket-guide book" that the boys could use whenever they have to participate in a flag ceremony.

I found the ceremony guidelines online with diagrams even.

Then I put it all together with those rings.
I had the boys practice a few times using the guide, and they all seemed to get a kick out it. So, if you're in Cub Scouts, this was a successful idea you could use.